Excel Introduction to Spreadsheet Basics
Excel is fun! There are so many helpful things that can be accomplished in Excel and you do not need to be an accounting major or a financial guru to use Excel’s capabilities. This blog will give you an Excel Introduction to Spreadsheet Basics. We have found that one of the most important things when working and navigating in Excel are the different mouse pointers you will see, so that’s where we will begin.
Excel Workspace
After opening Excel, you will see the menu, ribbon, column/row headers, scroll bars, etc. These features make up the Excel workspace, Additionally, you will notice three Sheet tabs at the bottom of the worksheet grid (there will be another blog on how to work with the Sheets). As you move your mouse pointer around this environment, you will notice that your mouse pointer will change depending on what or where you are pointing. You don’t need to click on anything – just practice using the mouse to point at the different features. The pointers you will see and their purpose is outlined below in the next section.
Excel Pointers
Here are the top 10 Excel Pointers, their names, and their purpose. When we train new users on Excel basics, it always pays off to spend a little time explaining what each pointer does and looking at a few before moving on to other skills.
Excel Environment
Next, we want to identify the various parts of the workspace. Knowing the names of the features of the Excel environment will make everything easier.
Suggested Blog: Navigating in Excel
Now that you have an Excel Introduction to Spreadsheet Basics, we can address questions like: what does it look like when I enter text? how do I change the contents of a cell? how do I work with a range of cells? is formatting easy to do? These are some of the questions we will address in the blog Navigating in Excel.
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